Thursday 10 November 2016


What are bins? 

Bins are where we can store footage or other materials such as music and titles. We use bins when importing files from the camera to the computer software to be edited.

How do you create a bin? 

Creating a bin is an easy process. The process is you click on file, then click new bin.

Why would you create a new bin if you already have one? 

You might think if i have already got a bin to store my footage and other materials... why would i need another one? Creating more than one bin means that all material you store can be spread out into organized sections. 

If you had one bin and stored all files within the bin, you might have a hard time selecting which file to use and it is not very time efficient due to the editor having to search through all the files every time he selects one.  

Creating more than one bin means that your files are separated and can easily be identified. It conveys that you are organized and will be more efficient when finding files because you have them in an organized fashion. For example, if you had more than one camera operator, there will be more than one memory card with the footage on it. Having multiple bins means you can have a bin for each camera operator, this will be much quicker than searching through one bin trying to find clips to use. 

Furthermore, naming the files makes it even more easier to identify what one you need when editing. It represents good housekeeping and it enables you too quickly find desired clips. Overall the more organized your files are, the quicker you will be able to get the work done. This can link to meeting deadlines because the quicker this process is, the quicker deadlines can be met and we all know that deadlines are extremely important in film making. 

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