Thursday 10 November 2016

Storage and folder management

Storage and folder management is crucial when importing clips because it makes the footage and other materials safe and secured. Without it, files would be everywhere and editing would be a nightmare.

The first thing you should do when importing files is make sure they are safe. It is important to make sure your files are safe because if they are not you obviously have the risk of them being lost or damaged. Importing the files into a folder on avid means they are no longer a physical piece of material, they are now a digital piece of material that is secured on a computer file.

As you can see in the video above, having folders that are well organized makes it easy to transfer files and access them. As a whole, it makes the editing process quicker therefore giving time for other areas of the production process that need to be improved. From the folder that you will create you can import from the folder straight to the AVID software so it is ready to edit.

An important thing to remember with folder management is that once you transfer footage into a folder, you cannot... i repeat cannot move the folders around. Once the footage is imported into the folder you need to keep it there. You might wonder why? The reason is to keep the folder safe and and in once place, when you start moving files and folders around that is when you start losing track of where everything is and where you put it. This means that the editing process becomes longer and that is something we do not when it can be resolved.

The more detail the name of the clip has the easier you will be able to i find it within your folders.
An example of naming your clip if the clip is a scene that consists of a character looking at his phone would be phone face, Jason, vibrate text message. This is a clear example of naming a clip that you can easily identify because the name has detail about the content of the clip.

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