Friday 9 December 2016


what is resolution?

Resolution is the quality of the picture. Numbers like 1080p and 720p refer to a TV's screen resolution. The more pixels a screen has the more detail it can show. A 720p TV screen has 1280 pixels across by 720 pixels down, when you multiply those numbers you get the total number of pixels which is 921,600.

Resolution is important in film because it is the detail of the picture. The detail of a picture is important because nowadays it is a key thing that attracts the audience. The audience expects a high quality resolution and if there is not then they will find it very difficult to be engaged in the film.

As you can see by the clip above, the resolution is low. The quality of the picture is very grainy and takes away the cinematic experience from the audience.

Below is now a clip with high resolution.

As you can see, the detail of the image has improved dramatically. The picture is crisp and clear for the audience to watch and makes it more realistic due to the quality being close to how we view things in real life. This gives a better experience for the audience.

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