Friday 9 December 2016

Storing tapes or film

Storing tapes and film.

It used to be that you would store tapes. You might wonder what are tapes? Tapes are long, narrow material with magnetic properties that are used to record sound, picture or computer data. Tapes were what every film maker would use before digital film was produced.

It was important to store your tapes for the simple reason that if they were damaged, all your footage would be damaged with it. Imagine spending all week filming and then your tape gets damaged so that week has gone to waste. To prevent this from happening, you would need to store your tapes in a safe house or a safe place. There are places that you can store your tapes in to prevent them from getting damaged or lost, however they require a sum of money for the services they provide.

Image result for a tape

Storing film has the same principal. If your film is damaged or lost in anyway your footage will be lost. A good place to store film would be to make another copy of the film and store it on a hard drive just in case then if the film is damaged you have another copy. With film, you can store it digitally. The difference between tapes and film is that tapes are physically stored, films are digitally stored. 

Image result for digital film

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